Thursday, June 18, 2009

"Universal Health Care" -- why not?

The words "Universal Health Care" are all over the news, mostly because a large proportion of the baby-boom generation, realizing that they will quickly be overcome by expensive medical bills they haven't prepared for, are now pushing a socialist health care system to once again stick the younger American generations with the bill for their irresponsibility. Among my naive generation are willing accomplices who the boomers have sold on this idea.

It's time for people to wake up to this scam. These people are voting to siphon money from future generations for benefits that won't exist by the time the young people need them. This will bankrupt our country even faster than Medicare, Social Security, and countless other social programs are already doing. It's a pyramid scheme, and the fact that it's sanctioned by the Federal Government does not make it less of one. Look at UAW and General Motors for a private-sector example.

The following simple, but extensive, thought experiment is offered to counter this idea. I am going to disagree with the idea that we need "Universal Health Care" on two counts. The first is a disagreement with the premise of the entire system, which is that one person should be forcibly held responsible for another's health care. The second is that a truly "Universal" health-care system is an economically inefficient way to handle people's health care needs.

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